Catalog PDF
Download the latest version of Picture Woods’ catalog. Please Note: You must be logged in to download/view the Catalog.
Shipping and Receiving
Learn details about shipping carriers, stick length and weight guidelines, recommendations for how to receive and inspect your order, plus how to handle replacements or reorders.
Corner Samples
Ways to Save Money
Learn about volume length and chop discounts, plus savings by buying Principal Line mouldings, straight cut chops, and early pay discounts.
Shadow Box Options
Wood Characteristics & Defects
Learn about common wood characteristics that could be visible on your frame, which is what makes wood unique and beautiful. Also learn about wood defects and what we avoid when selecting moulding for frames.
Terminology for Ordering Moulding
Use this reference for terminology so that we can be sure we’re talking the same language for your project, whether it’s a cap moulding, stained glass, or other shape.
White Oak & Hicks Corner Blocks
White oak showcases beautiful and unique grain, like quarter sawn and rift sawn, popularized by mission-style furniture. Hicks corner blocks are adornments affixed to the corner of a frame in a contrasting or complementary wood.
Ultra Massive / Glue-up Specs
See detailed dimensional drawings of our glue-up/Ultra Massive mouldings, and learn more about the purpose and benefits of crafting them.
How-to Tips
Dovetail-routed Frame Assembly
Read our suggestions for how to assemble dovetail-routed frames using the Hoffman™ Dovetail-routing system.
Precise Miters
How to Use the 605 Floater
This upright stem float frame nests next to the canvas, similar to a slat moulding, and it creates a shadow line around the canvas’s edge. Learn how to attach these to your canvas.